
Village Board Special Meeting Notice

The Village of Middleburgh Board of Trustees will be holding a special meeting at Village Hall, located at 309 Main Street, on Monday, May 8th at 12:00 PM. Pursuant to Public Officers Law (POL) § 103-a(2)(a), the Village Board of Trustees is notifying the public that due to extraordinary circumstances videoconferencing will be used during this meeting, which can be accessed by the public by utilizing Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84981999945?pwd=Z1lJdmQ0QXlhcitTa2lnd0FwMCtXUT09; and that the Meeting Agenda and accompanying Board Packet will be posted at www.villageofmiddleburgh.com, and the Village of Middleburgh Facebook Page, in addition to being publicly available at Village Hall. Please see the special meeting notice below:

Special Village Board Meeting Notice 

The Village of Middleburgh Board of Trustees will be holding a special meeting on Monday, May 8th at 12:00 PM for the purpose of considering a bid for our ongoing Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) project and entering Executive Session to discuss Personnel matters. Residents may attend either in-person at Village Hall or remotely via Zoom. 

Village Board Special Meeting Agenda – May 8, 2023

1. Deputy Mayor to open meeting with Pledge of Allegiance at 12:00 PM. 

2. Bid Recommendations for Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) project.

3. Execution Session: Personnel. 

4. Any other business that may legally come before the Village Board. 

5. Adjournment.

Note: the Village Board of Trustees voted on Monday evening to hold all regularly scheduled board meetings at the Middleburgh Library until construction is completed on Village Hall, while also voting to hold all special meetings that are primarily expected to involve Executive Session at Village Hall until construction formally begins.

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